Whitelisting Instructions for HudsonMann

Ensuring Delivery of HudsonMann Emails to Your Organization 

To reduce spam, virus and spyware activity, organizations use a number of best-effort techniques to filter inbound email traffic. Due to the nature of these threats and countermeasures, valid, solicited emails (including emails sent from HudsonMann) are sometimes blocked.

IMPORTANT: Please share this document with your IT Department or Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Depending on the email management system being used, there may be options to “white list” (fully allow) all email originating from HudsonMann email servers and/or specific <from> address domain. The domain name for white listing all HudsonMann email notifications is:

  • @hudsonmann.com
  • relay@aapcloud.com

Following is a list of specific email filtering methods which may prevent notifications and emails from being delivered.

Attachment file size restrictions:

  • Issue: Report attachments are in the 0 kb to 8 MB range
  • Solution: Allow attachment sizes of at least 8 MB (allow larger attachment sizes when requesting multiple attachments in one email).

Attachment file type restrictions:

  • Allow attachment file types MS-Word and Rich Text Format as well as Adobe PDF


  • Allow attachment file extensions .doc, .rtf, and .pdf

Attachment file content restrictions

  • Issue: Content filtering systems may block emails because of verbiage and graphics in report attachments.
  • Solution: Allow attachments containing typical report text, charts and graphs.

Email subject and body content restrictions

  • Issue: Content filtering systems may block emails because of verbiage in subject or body.
  • Solution:
    • Allow emails containing typical subject and body verbiage